By Road
Reiek (29km/ 45 minutes) can be reached by Aizawl-Reiek Road.
From Aizawl, local taxi (Sumo) may cost about ₹1,500–2,000 for a full day trip to Reiek
2 Adults, 0 Child1 Rooms
1 Rooms Selected
2 Adults, 0 Child & 1 Rooms
(Total Available Rooms 11, Total Guest Capacity 25)
(Total Available Rooms 11, Total Guest Capacity 25)
Hosted by: OurGuest Travels
Know your HostReiek Tourist Resort offers various rooms for every budget and comfort. You can choose from cottages to standard rooms. Cottages come with a drawing room and king-size beds.
Max Guests: 2
1 X Twin Bed
the room has nice balcony to see beauty of nature
Max Guests: 2
1 X Queen Bed
The room has the nice view
The best time to visit is during the Anthurium Festival
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