2 Adults, 0 Child1 Rooms
1 Rooms Selected
2 Adults, 0 Child & 1 Rooms
(Total Available Rooms 10, Total Guest Capacity 20)
(Total Available Rooms 10, Total Guest Capacity 20)
Hosted by: OurGuest Travels
Know your HostThe approach to the homestay is up a steep path, but that’s what makes this place the perfect retreat. It’s only 2 minutes from the road anyway so access to the little village is easy.
Since it is located away from the rush of the city life and busy traffic you would truly enjoy and experience a village life, which enables you to directly understand the local Limboo people and get a real insight into the Nepali culture,language, food etc.
Max Guests: 2
2 X Twin Bed
Twin bedded room with attach bathrooms.
Max Guests: 2
1 X King Bed
Double bedded room with attached Western Bathrooms
Max Guests: 2
1 X Standard Double Bed
Room is spacious
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