West Bengal, India
Kolakham is located at a distance of 40 km from Kalimpong and is a 1 hour 30 minutes drive. It is a small village located at an altitude of 6500mts overlooking the panoramic beauty of the snow-clad mountain peaks of the Himalayas. It is one of the most beautiful and sought after places by adventure loving people and bird watchers. The village is also a paradise for nature loving people. Cradled in the lap of the Neora Valley Reserve Forest, facing the Himalayas. Kolakham and its surrounding areas has plenty of large coniferous pine trees and the exotic rhododendron flowers. Various species of Himalayan birds can be found in the area. This village is largely unknown to many tourists and hence it is a relatively quiet and serene place. The place abounds in natural beauty and many of the local people have their own homestays.
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