2 Adults, 0 Child1 Rooms
1 Rooms Selected
2 Adults, 0 Child & 1 Rooms
(Total Available Rooms 3, Total Guest Capacity 8)
(Total Available Rooms 3, Total Guest Capacity 8)
Hosted by: OurGuest Travels
Know your HostShipara Homestay is ideally situated at next to Double Decker Root Bridge, Nongriat, Meghalaya in Cherrapunji in 6.1 km from the centre.
Max Guests: 2
1 X Standard Double Bed
room it's comfortable and spacious
“Shipara” translates to Siblings in English and this homestay is 30 minutes’ drive from Wei Sawdong falls. It has two double bed, one four bedroom, a twin bedroom and a terrace tent, it accommodates two persons each room.
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