2 Adults, 0 Child1 Rooms
1 Rooms Selected
2 Adults, 0 Child & 1 Rooms
(Total Available Rooms 3, Total Guest Capacity 10)
(Total Available Rooms 3, Total Guest Capacity 10)
Hosted by: OurGuest Travels
Know your HostKongo Homestay in Anini, Arunachal Pradesh, offers visitors an authentic experience of local culture, particularly that of the Idu Mishmi tribe. Anini, known for its remote beauty and untouched landscapes, is an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.
Max Guests: 4
1 X Twin Bed
Cozy and comfortable room.
Max Guests: 2
1 X Crib Bed
Cozy and comfortable room.
Maintain a quiet environment during designated quiet hours to respect other guests' rest.
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